Article Environment LATEST WORLD NEWS

ClubBioman: Environment

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The very fact that the word ‘environment’ occurs to you in your daily dictionary, is good enough for starters. Environment incorporates almost everything around us, but largely the earth as a whole. It is high time we think of our natural environment, because the individual actions of every single citizen on the planet, is affecting not only his or her life, but that of every other species on the planet as well.

source: freeimages

source: freeimages

Let’s take the general order of priority of an average human. The most important is self. Everything that comes after is actually bonus (for the society). Forget the rest, even if you are one who cares a lot for your self, there is absolutely no chance you can take environment for granted. You might be living a comfortable life in the most comfortable and naturally blessed location on the planet. If you are one ignoring the effects of environmental degradation, your paradise won’t escape the plight of the earth whatsoever.


And humanity is not just doing everything for the sake of humanity, while ignoring everything else. It also incorporates what the human can do for everything else beyond the human race. Remember, if there is one race that unites all of us reading this article, it is humanity.


Every action you perform right from morning to night, whether using your toothpaste, laptop or toilet, is affecting the environment to some level. It is up to us to channelize it to the benefit of the environment. Minimize wastage. Look for alternatives. I am sure the day you realize that you are depriving someone else of sleep, just because you want to sleep comfortably, you will regret not taking environment more seriously.


And remember, it’s not only the 22nd of April and 5th of June every year, when mother nature needs you. It is a 365-day, round the year effort, that will ensure you live breathe a cleaner air, lie on greener grounds and fresh water to drink.

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